The Comedy Pigs
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1998 Miss Pig

Once a Pig always a Pig!

The Comedy Pigs is my old improv troupe back in Frederick, Maryland.  Each year they do an anniversary show where all the old Pigs from the past come back and perform.  I'm already looking forward to that show!  The show will be May 5 - 6, 2000.

The Comedy Pigs                        

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The Comedy Pigs Website

Improvisation and sketch comedy!

The Comedy Pigs is an improvisation and sketch comedy troupe based in Frederick Maryland.  It is part of a bigger entity know as Maryland Ensemble Theatre now located in the Cultural Arts Center in downtown Frederick.  I have been involved with the troupe in one way or another since late 1995 and I was officially allowed to "oink" out loud on stage in 1997.

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The Comedy Pigs are pictured clockwise: Tad Janes, Joel Bowers, Wendy Donigian,
Tom Majarov, Rona Mensah, Gené Fouché, me and Sophie Arrick.
D.C. Cathro and Randy Fouché not pictured

The Comedy Pigs perform late night sketch and improv comedy every Saturday at the Cultural Arts Center immediately following the MET main stage production.  The show usually starts at 10:30 p.m.  Call 301-694-4PIG for tickets or more info.

Visit The Comedy Pigs on the web!